Week 15
By this time your uterus is just popping up above the pubic bone, so you might be in the in-between stage right now, you may not yet look pregnant; instead your bump may look like you’ve put on some weight. If this is not your first pregnancy, chances are that you will start showing sooner since your abdomen muscle will be a bit more lax and the uterus tends to fall forward more easily because of the relaxation of the supporting ligaments. Your heart is pumping about 20% more blood than before, due to the increasing output to supply the baby with oxygen. This will increase to about 50% by the end of your pregnancy.
Baby’s skin is very transparent and blood vessels can be seen underneath. The skin is covered with a fine hair called lanugo, which will not fall out until your baby nears full-term. The heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood per day. Your baby may already have developed the habit of sucking his or her thumb!
The mum-to-be might be feeling a bit down from seeing all the physical changes going on with her body. She might be feeling fat and ugly, whereas you may be seeing her even sexier and more attractive than before. Give her a surprise shopping spree and encourage her to buy maternity clothes that suit her. She will feel more beautiful and confident and definitely have her spirit lifted. Sex: studies have shown that the increased blood flow to the pelvic area will stimulate sexual arousal. So if you’re one of the lucky guys to have your mom-to-be ‘more in the mood’ make the most out of it!