Week 38
Your baby is a “full term” and could really arrive at any time! You may “lose” your mucus plug, though some women never experience this. You may feel sharp pains or slight dizziness every now and then. This is caused by your baby hitting nerves as s/he settles into your pelvis. Siblings should be encouraged to participate in the birth as you and they feel comfortable.
During the next two weeks your baby will gain weight as fat is stored to help maintain body temperature and glucose levels. S/he might still have vernix, but it is mostly confined to skin creases and folds. Your baby now has an ‘orienting response’ and if a light is shown on your belly s/he will turn towards it. The “lanugo” that covered most of your baby’s body during the second trimester is mostly gone now, and only present on the upper back, shoulders and ears.
If you have been wondering whether or not to be present at birth you should not think further. It is the most amazing experiences you will ever be able to have. You will only have to watch or participate as much as you feel comfortable with. You may just hold your partners hand or you may wish to take a more active role that includes massages, heat and cold packs, cutting the cord and help catch the baby.