Week 32
As your baby gets bigger, your pelvis may become sore and you may experience different discomforts like heartburns and leg cramps. Anxiety may cause some tension and if at any point you feel a lack of maternal feelings keep in mind that this is normal. For some mothers, bonding would not occur until birth.
Breathlessness is also a common symptom, especially during these last weeks. Rest your mind that this does not affect your baby, since s/he is getting plenty of oxygen from your placenta.
Your baby weighs approximately 1.5 kilograms by now. Visually, your baby may track moving objects with the eyes and when he or she blinks the eye’s iris contract in response to light. You may worry that if you are breathless from walking or sometimes even just sitting that your baby is in danger. This is not true. Your baby is getting plenty of oxygen from your placenta.
The lungs and digestive track are nearly mature; however the last few weeks are still very important for the completion of the lung development.
Make sure you know your way to the delivery suite since when the time comes you will be very excited.