Week 24
The top of the uterus reaches just above your navel. Your baby’s sleep/wake cycles are now more obvious. It is important to be aware of potential signs of premature labour. This is said to be more common during the summer months, partly due to dehydration in some women. Therefore it is very important to continue drinking lots of water to prevent this.
You are continuing to gain weight and you might be continually feeling anxious about it. The thought of gaining so much weight in less than a year is something that you fear and dread, in addition, due to changes in metabolism you are eating even more. This is normal and your body is doing its job. Just keep in mind that while you are able to indulge in a chocolate bar this might turn into fat now. Try to stick to a healthy and varied diet. Select healthy snacks such as cheese, yoghurt, eggs, fruits and vegetables.
Your baby is almost completely formed, and is continuing to pile on fat on his or her body. The purpose of such fat is to retain body heat. Newborns are not that efficient at regulating their body temperatures at first, so this fat will help them a real lot.
You may feel a swell of pride when talking about mom and the new baby. The thought of having created a family out of love is a wonderful feeling that nothing may surpass.