Week 13
Welcome to the second trimester! Not subject to physical discomforts anymore this is usually the time when mothers feel their best and feel like they have endless energy. You begin to feel prouder that you are pregnant and become more excited to share the news with the world. You will also start thinking of the things you need to buy in preparation of the birth of your little one. This is also a time when fathers and other family members start becoming more involved as the pregnancy becomes more real for them. Encourage them to participate in your pregnancy to the extent that you feel comfortable.
Once again, a lot of things are going on this week. All twenty teeth have formed and are waiting for teething time! The pancreas of your little one is even secreting insulin and Meconium, the baby’s first stool, is developing. Measuring in at about 7 cms, your baby will spend the rest of the pregnancy concentrating on growing and becoming strong enough to live outside the uterus. While your baby won’t be saying ‘Mamma’ for quite some time, the vocal cords are now developing.
It’s time to celebrate! You’re out of the first trimester and you now probably feel comfortable to spread the good news! The more you spread the word the more the idea will sink in!