Week 5
Your body is working overtime to produce a special new life. You may feel exhausted and might not be able to stop yawning. You are also tired of running to the bathroom every few minutes. This is due to your increased metabolism and growing uterus. Your breasts may be particularly tender now, sleeping in a sports-bra helps.
There are also women who will have none of these symptoms. They will sail through early pregnancy without any sickness. For a lot of women this can be normal as well.
It’s amazing how much is happening so quickly. Your baby’s heart will begin to beat this week! During the next few days, your baby’s heart will start early contractions, which later become distinct beats. By the end of this week the length of the embryo is about 1.5 to 2 millimeters long. All of your baby’s major organs are under development, and facial features, such as ears and eyes, begin to form. Soon buds, that will soon be the arms and legs, will soon appear.
Even if the pregnancy was planned, the first few weeks are weird. You might be bursting to spread the good news, however, she is not feeling particularly pregnant and your life has not changed in the slightest way. On the other hand you know there’s a baby on the way. It’s important to start talking about how you feel with your partner. Communication is of utmost importance and helps both parties to feel more informed and at ease with the whole situation.