Week 41
You are probably very tired of being pregnant but your baby just isn’t quite ready to be born. That means that he is comfortable in the secure and warm environment you are providing him with. It is natural for you to feel let down if your due date goes by without a single contraction. However, whilst you might be tempted to ask for induction, this is usually harder on both you and the baby, and often leads to increased intervention, including a C-Section.
In general, babies who are overdue, and who are still in a healthy environment, weigh more, may appear more alert and might have more hair than babies born earlier.
Help mom be comfortable, both physically and most importantly emotionally. Try to find ways and activities of relaxation.
Even the type of underwear you use can affect the chances of getting pregnant. By wearing regular or tight underwear, even pants, you can overheat your testicles and have an adverse effect on your sperm. Therefore it is suggested to wear boxers since this increases your sperm count.