Week 36
You will probably have visits at your gynecologist each week until birth. Most babies will be in a head down position at this point. However, about 4% of the babies will be breech. This is quite normal and it does not mean that your baby would not be turning until birth.
You may have your first internal exam to see if your cervix has softened, dilated, or if your baby’s head is dipping into your pelvis. Many women still go to full term despite total effacement, a centimeter or two of dilatation and a fully engaged fetal head.
Many couples enjoy making love, right up to the end of pregnancy. Feel free to enjoy, as long as your gynecologist does not advice otherwise. Being intimate with your partner is a great way to share a strong bond as you prepare for this incredible event!
The baby will snuggle down into your pelvis during these weeks. The benefit of this is that you can breathe more easily; however, you also have to urinate even more often. Your gynecologist might be able to know the approximate weight of your baby, keep in mind that this is just a guess.
Attend all the final visits, since this helps clear any questions that you might have. Also, make sure that you know where the hospital bags are in case you will need to rush to hospital.