Week 34
As your body is really getting ready, you may experience more and more contractions. This is a great sign that your body is getting ready.
Labour is broken down into three stages:
- First stage – contractions that open the cervix.
- Second stage – pushing the baby out.
- Third stage – birthing the placenta.
By now you should think about how long you will work before having the baby and how you are going to take up your maternity leave.
Your baby now urinates nearly a pint a day. The urine, along with sweat and other fluids from the baby, help to make up the amniotic fluid. This amazing amniotic fluid completely replenishes itself every three hours. The hormones from the placenta are starting to activate the milk in your breasts.
Take as many pictures as you can of the mom-to-be. A few months after birth she won’t believe how big she was and you will wonder how she was able to carry all that weight around!