Week 21
At each visit, your gynecologist will take height measurements of each part of your baby. This will determine the average length and weight and assess more accurately the due date. If the measurement is consistently small or large, check the accuracy of the dates. However, keep in mind that the measurements will have a 10% margin of error so don’t be alarmed unless your gynecologist says that there is a problem of some sort.
By now everyone is giving you tips and guessing what the sex of your baby is. Many people use different myths, you might either find these funny or annoying. Have a look at our myths section to get a glimpse of these old traditions.
Our society pressures us to think that it doesn’t matter what the gender of the baby is, as long as it is healthy. However this is not always the case and many mothers find it hard to deal with ‘gender disappointment’.
By now your baby weighs approximately 400grams and from now onwards s/he is killing time by piling up some fat onto his/ her bones. You are most likely to be feeling the acrobatic moves that your baby is practicing! The amniotic fluid provides the baby with room in which to move so your baby will be very active. Babies are typically much more active late in the evening and during the night when the mom is relaxed and preparing for a good night’s sleep.
Towards the end of this trimester, the baby will begin to settle in a head down position. However this is not always the case, since some babies do not turn around until late in the last trimester, other babies do not turn around at all.
Childbirth classes provide a lot of useful information and details which many of you deem ‘too much’ to handle. Don’t panic and be assured that every dad is probably having similar feelings as yourself. Try to remember the most useful details in case you might need them eventually..