Week 20
You are half way through your pregnancy! Congratulations! And you might already be counting down the weeks to the due date. You are probably feeling re-energized and finally your body is definitely taking the shape of a pregnant woman, rather than showing a small bulge. Your belly button may pop out and stay that way as your uterus presses upwards. You might also feel short of breath as your lungs become cramped.
This will usually continue until the baby “drops.” In first pregnancies this can occur as early as 4-6 weeks before your birth or even until labour as with subsequent pregnancies. You will have the need to urinate much more frequently, if possible! It is important to do your pelvic tilts (Kegel exercises) frequently so that you strengthen your muscles. This will hopefully allow you a few more minutes before the next bathroom break and in addition help you during your delivery and after!
Your baby is constantly growing and developing. A white, waxy-looking substance (vernix) now protects your baby’s skin. If you are carrying a girl, she has six million eggs in her ovaries, six times the number she will have at birth! Her uterus is now formed and she’s beginning to develop a vagina. You may start recording her/her sleeping patterns. In many cases this will continue for months after birth.
Take the mom out to dinner to celebrate this point in the pregnancy. A nice gift or a nice card will also make you bond better.