A car seat that you turn into a stroller within a split of second? ¨Oh yes please¨, was Janine´s answer when she got introduced to the Doona, the next generation car seat. Whilst Janine is busy testing her new Doona I´d like to tell you a little bit more about this super smart invention.
Doona is the very first product from the brand called Simple Parenting. Yoav Mazar, the founder, explains that he set a clear goal in mind when his daughter Danielle (Doona) was born and that was to transform the infant car seat into something safe yet simple and practical. His aim is to simplify the lives of parents and their babies. And not surprisingly Simple Parenting has been awarded many times already for its inventions.
The Doona is the ultimate product for parents who move around by car often. For example when you go to the supermarket by car and you have to take your little one with you it might be very unpleasant placing your baby in the car seat followed by taking him or her out of the car seat upon arrival and place him or her in your stroller. That´s a lot of work right? Plus your mini me might also get irritated more easily when changing from the one seat to another and back again. Another hands on example is dropping of your little one to day care in the morning by car before racing to work. Exactly! You want to speed up these procedures as much as possible to save time and to keep your little one as comfortable as possible. For this type of occasions Doona is everything you need.
Let´s first introduce Doona to you by showing you some images, because the product speaks for itself and will instantly grab your attention. The whole handling procedure can be done in only 10 seconds! Within 10 seconds you can take your baby out of the car and be prepared to stroll away.
So what do you think? Looks super handy right? First of all no more dragging your car seat around, second of all the simple motion operation even you can handle and third of all the Doona frees up space in the trunk of your car. Note that Doona is intended for running errands, quick in and out meetings and for travelling as the seat is aircraft approved. Besides, the seat comes very handy in all other forms of transportation. Doona is not a replacement for your regular stroller but a quick handy and fast solution for parents on the go. For long walks we always recommend using your regular stroller.

What always comes to our minds first is our regards to safety. Doona meets the highest safety & quality standards. As you can see in the image below Doona gave every single aspect and even the smallest details a thorough thought. The result is a practical and super safe mobility solution for your baby, both in and outside the car. You can use the car seat solution for up to 13 kg.
Whilst talking about the safety aspects of Doona it is good to mention that Doona features an Infant Insert. Specifically designed for newborn babies, the Doona Infant Insert provides young babies with the highest levels of safety and comfort. Developed alongside global engineering, safety and medical experts, the insert supports your baby´s posture, by mimicking a natural position, thus granting parents and babies the freedom to travel together.

The Doona car seat can be installed with Iso-fix base. Both solutions are intended for Rear-Facing use only. Another convenient fact is that the Doona seat is approved for planes as well, how handy for us globetrotters. The collection comes in 6 different colors to fit your personal style.
source: www.pretapregnant.com