ISOFIX versus car seat belts
Child car seats can be installed using ISOFIX fittings or car seat belts. But how do you decide on the best car seat installation for your car? We’ve set out the pros and cons to help you make up your mind.
Whichever method you choose, it’s crucial to install your car seat correctly. Always follow the user manual or ask an expert retailer to show you what to do.

Advantages of ISOFIX
Ultimately, we advise you to use ISOFIX rather than car seat belts to install your car seat. ISOFIX:
– Minimises the risk of incorrect installation. Child car seats fitted using seat belts are often installed and used incorrectly.
– Provides a solid, permanent connection between the car seat and the car body.
– Is proven to be outstandingly safe in tests.
Seat belt method
Choose a car seat that clearly shows how the seat belt must be positioned. This will reduce the risk of using it incorrectly. With Maxi-Cosi seats you’ll find a belt routing. If in doubt, check the manual.
Knowing this, let’s go through the pros and cons of both types of installation:
Belted car seat
– Safe if installed properly.
– Flexible – it’s easy to switch your car seat between cars. But ISOFIX are even easier.
Up to 8 out of 10 inexperienced parents install their car seat incorrectly when using a seat belt. This dramatically reduces the protection offered to your child in a crash. Car seats that use seat belts take more time to install than those installed with ISOFIX.
Safety tests show that ISOFIX is extremely safe. The risk of incorrect installation is low – 94% of parents use ISOFIX correctly. For extra peace of mind, most of our ISOFIX base units have indicators to show they’re fitted correctly.
– ISOFIX is fast and easy. Just one click attaches the car seat solidly to the car.
– An extra support leg or top tether strap increases stability, keeping your child securely in place.
– Booster seats can be permanently secured using ISOFIX.
– Not all cars have ISOFIX car seat fittings.
– Some ISOFIX seats can’t be installed using a seat belt, reducing flexibility.
– ISOFIX seats are often more expensive than belt-based seats.
– ISOFIX seats generally weigh more than belt-based seats.

Does my car have ISOFIX?
Most cars manufactured over the past 10 years have ISOFIX fittings.
source: maxi-cosi.com