Week 27
Around this time you will begin to see you growing every week, this will continue until the last 2 or three weeks of your pregnancy. Weight gained during pregnancy is not fat or unhealthy but necessary for your health and that of your baby’s. Some of the weight will go to body fluids.
Although very embarrassing, stress incontinence is very common in pregnancies, this will cause some urine to leak when coughing, laughing, exercising or running. Due to hormone influence and also due to the compression your growing baby causes on your bladder, you may develop this symptom anytime during the pregnancy. By performing regular Kegel exercises you will strengthen your muscles which support the pelvic floor and surround the vagina.
Your baby will probably be very active between weeks 24 and 28. His/her skin is very wrinkled from floating in water and will stay this way until a few weeks after birth as your baby outgrows the newborn phase and fills out into a baby.
The uterus allows some light to be seen too so your baby is aware of changes between light and dark. Your uterus lights up more when you stand in sunlight and at this point your baby would be able to see around him.
If mom is feeling depressed about her weight gain, keep on reminding her that her weight is of utmost importance for a healthy pregnancy. You should also set a good example and help her not fall into temptation of having several sweet snacks.